How we made 500,000
steps count
steps count
It takes 500,000 steps to walk from Dubbo to Sydney – the distance a person in
regional NSW would have to walk to receive the drug treatment they need. We created
a digital and social media campaign that made every step count. As our marathoners
walked the distance, supporters drew the line on drug policy and added their digital
signature to the campaign. Each signature was collected and made into social posts,
3D printed, plastered on posters and hand-delivered to policymakers.
regional NSW would have to walk to receive the drug treatment they need. We created
a digital and social media campaign that made every step count. As our marathoners
walked the distance, supporters drew the line on drug policy and added their digital
signature to the campaign. Each signature was collected and made into social posts,
3D printed, plastered on posters and hand-delivered to policymakers.